It’s over now, stupid!

Suddenly the world became a friendlier place

Two days ago I made a clear-cut end to a relationship of heaven and hell. 💔😥 Moreover, before I went out of bed this morning I had two profound insights. The first was that I could sense in that early moment of the day that the outside world appeared intrinsically friendly to me. Which may sound strange for someone who isn’t an introvert, but I assume it can make some sense to many of those who are. The second insight was that two related dreams I had some time ago in regards to the relationship finally made a perfect sense to me: Both of them predicting a clear-cut end. But until then there had also been an initial interpretation that was more mystical, more interesting and profound: We would meet again in another dimension; in the dimension of tranquil consciousness.

Of course, the first mentioned interpretation is a retrospective and confirming meaning-construction of the dreams, now when I can relate them to the existing clear-cut outcome. And as a matter of fact, in my previous attempts to interpret them I could never reach a clear conclusion of any kind — I just had to give up, leaving it for the future. Maybe due to my will that refused to accept an end since we both had put such a hard effort and had made great sacrifices for the relationship during ten months or so — deep emotions, daily concern, numerous reoccurring conflicts, endless patience, oceans of time, a big sum of money, a long over-sea journey, and family members who cared about us.

But as stated, this morning suddenly the entire world seemed to be a friendlier place to be in. No way the normal deep and tragic romantic within me could expect such a peaceful insight so soon after a breakup; the normal for me in such a situation would be an intense misery. But on the other hand, maybe this was what the initial interpretation of the dreams were pointing at; that both of us would reach peace of mind?

Thus, this post is not a rant about my ex and how bad a person she is, because she is not bad. Quite the contrary, I wish her the very best and will for the rest of my life bear the memory of her close to my heart. And anyways, I would never expose my love life or another living person in public writings like this, since to me that’s a matter of integrity and respect.

So I am sorry, there will be no mucky details. Furthermore, this is not about her — it’s about me. But it is also about MyEvo, because after a long period of silence — in fact as long as the relationship lasted — I can continue with my writings here and the further overall development of the platform. Moreover, I can add into my writings more insights that occurred during the relationship; from within it as well as without it.

One insight stems from meeting another psyche/personality type/temperament/culture with more access to Red in it (hence Spiral Dynamicly speaking) than what is usual for the Swedish culture and me as a person. The one most important lesson that I learned was that too much open mindedness of engaging in it can be harmful to both soul and body; at least for a previously burnout and thus long-term traumatized survivor like myself.

That being said, there may be some risks to take into account as being a curious integral explorer, eager to integrate descended stages in ones psyche as they get provoked. Especially when it comes down to an intimate relationship, which also of course contains other more attractive and juicy parts – implying an obvious risk for intense inner conflicts regarding values and therefore emotions. Moreover, (Red) rage can be a dangerous force that must be contained or transmuted one way or the other before it crosses essential lines; as being the most transmittable emotion within and between nervous systems.

That being said, after the most intense argumentation we had, my autonomous nervous system eventually had an uncontrollable shutdown. Which in trauma therapy language translates into a freeze response. I was lucky to fully recover the shutdown in a couple of days, thanks to the trauma autotherapy methods I have developed. In part with inspiration from EDMR therapy, which includes eye movements while reliving the related trauma.

Another eye dependant (but not only) method comes from Peter Levine and his school of somatic experiencing, in which the connection to a safe social environment and thus friendly and supportive faces play a crucial role (in combination with the body’s own capacity) to heal traumatic events. Which thus is an exercise in extraversion — take note if you are more of an introvert yourself! And that was actually what preceded the intense insight I had this morning as my extraverted awareness was concentrated on eye vision — feeling the genuine friendliness of the environment, instead of falling down deep into endless introverted rumination and feelings of loss, anger, sadness and grief from a lost relationship and the breakup process.

Well, there are more insights to write about — for another day. But before I close this post I hereby announce that this is the first issue of a series of blog posts that will have a corresponding title of ”It’s _____, stupid!” And yes, they may open up for more multilingual content on MyEvo in the future, as well as content about trauma healing. Finally, I would also like to declare that I do still care for my ex very much and sincerely hope that she finds healthy ways to cope with the breakup as well as other things that may trouble her.🙏❤️

All that being said, the long silence is over now, stupid. 🙃 Until next time; ¡hasta luego, chicos y chicas! 🤩

Om Jonaz Juura 138 artiklar
Jonaz är upphovsman till samt redaktör och skribent på myEvo WEB. Hans primära intressen kretsar kring integralteorin; dock med betoning på psykologi, filosofi och spiritualitet. Därtill går hans själ igång på webbdesign och av att skriva samt av magiska stunder med djupa samtal. VDN-personlighetsfakta: INFJ enligt MBTI, 5w4 sx/sp enligt enneagrammet, Blå/Grön enligt DISC samt Grön/GUL/Turkos enligt Spiral Dynamics. [Läs mer...]


  1. ”Cowardly loves do not become love, nor stories, they stay there. Not even memory can save them. Not even the best speaker can conjugate”

    • Thanks Carol for your reply!

      But so, I would like to know how you apply that poetic/lyrical quote on this post before I elobarate anything further. So, could you help me with that please?

  2. Hello Jonaz, thanks for answering.

    First I want to say that I think that one should not lie. You say ”So I’m sorry, there won’t be any mucky details” but, even if you wanted to tell them you couldn’t because… let’s be honest, there were no ”mucky details” as much as I wanted them. Otherwise, I also wish you the best and I will remember you fondly for the rest of my life.

    Now I want to ask you something regarding the part of the song ”Oleo a una mujer con sombrero” (by Cuban singer-songwriter Silvio Rodríguez) that I shared with you. Please, don’t analyze it in the light of theories, nor dissect it with cold rationality. There are things at the red level that the most evolved like you ruin, unintentionally, with their analysis and dissection. Those of us who are still at the red level have the advantage of feeling fully and intensely, as well as knowing how to write poetry, even more so if we speak the beautiful Spanish language. So, please, keep the scalpel away from poetry.

    • ¡Hola Carol!, and thanks for your input.

      First off, I do appreciate that we mutually will have the experience of remembering each other fondly. On my behalf, that is what really matters.

      Secondly, regarding ”mucky details”: I used that expression as a synonym for ”trash talk”. So what I meant was that I wouldn’t ”trash talk” you nor our relationship in public; out of respect for the both of us. But also because that would totally miss the mark in regards to the self-reflexive purpose of this blog post.

      Thirdly, I am absolutely sure you are correct about (Latin American) Spanish poetry, and one day I hope to be able to appreciate it just as much. Unfortunately, in the current situation that doesn’t help me very much in regards to how the quote relates to my blog post.🫤 But it’s okay, I can leave it so.

    • Carol, I would like to complete my previous reply regarding the ”mucky details”, because there were more to it at the time as the blog post was written:

      My intention when I wrote the blog post was not to imply that there were any de facto ”mucky details” between us. Instead that expression was intended as a clarification to potential readers, which hypothetically might expect there would be such details due to the title and preamble of the blog post.

      As such, it was added in a light-hearted spirit, more like half a joke with one blinking eye or so.

  3. Hi Jonaz, thanks for your reply and subsequent clarification.
    Well, I understand. It’s fine. I just didn’t want to make people assume something that wasn’t true, because I had a pretty bad time because of what wasn’t true. That’s all.
    I take this opportunity to wish you a better 2025 than 2024. I hope you are very happy.

    • You’re so welcome!

      I do understand that you had a bad time, and of course I am deeply sorry for that. So I apologize regarding whatever I did on my behalf to add to it, since it has never been my intention to harm you in any way.

      That being said, I also scored some emotionally really hard moments over the course of the relationship. So in regards to suffering, let’s say it wasn’t always like a walk in the park for either one of us. On the other hand, for sure I also loved to spend time with you, and that is mainly what I focus on when I think of you. And in regards to all the different practical challanges that we had for our relationship … gosh, I cannot help but feeling amazed about what we were able to endure after all. Which may reveal the level of emotional bond despite all the challenging factors.

      About the truth aspect, I must confess I am not clear on what you mean. But that is maybe more appropriate to elaborate on in private, if you will (you know where to find me)?

      Thank you! I also wish you the very best for the new year! (And regarding my happiness … it’s usually a matter of temporary state rather than a steady stage. That is, it comes … and it goes.)

    • Finally, I would also like to add a quote from a book I read a long time ago. Just because I came to think about it as I read your quote, and it is a qoute that has lingered with me ever since I read it the first time. I hope you don’t mind!

      A skydive is not, strictly speaking, very risky. It is merely a simulation of the real risks of life. Love, intimacy, and the others are real risks. What is white water rafting compared to a rejection? What is a bungee jump compared to a loved one’s phone that never rings?


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